Self-Expression through Visual Mediums

How might we empower people with text-based communication disabilities to express themselves through visual elements and narrative storytelling?




Yiyang Zhang - Sunjoo Park





01 . Overview

Why this project?

Why this project?


How can we communicate without words?

Stemming from a hackathon, this project centers itself around one topic – how can we develop a new way to communicate for people with language learning disorders?

Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability or disorder that includes poor word reading, word decoding, oral reading fluency and spelling. It is estimated that 1 in 10 people have dyslexia.

p1. 1 in 10 people have dyslexia

Dyslexia affects the way individuals process written language, often making reading and writing tasks demanding and frustrating. However, visual and artistic expression, like drawing, can often be more natural and effective communication methods for people with dyslexia. This insight was the foundation for our design.

02 . Inspiration

Why drawing?

Why drawing?

inspired by…

Learning through Visuals

Rachel Deane is a RISD (Rhode Island School of Design) alumnus artist who materializes healing processes based on psychological, astrological, and folkloric schools of thought.

We were inspired by how she expresses the ways she sees and processes the world through visual elements and narratives.

“I think that my relationship to my dyslexia manifests itself indirectly in my work. My paintings represent the way I see and process the world, the way I learn information.”

- Rachel Deane, Interview with NPR

our goal

Creating a New Medium for Communication

In crafting our app, we aim to create a platform that, mirroring Deane's approach,

Enables individuals with dyslexia to convey their thoughts and ideas through imagery and visual storytelling.

We aspire to offer a medium where users can both have fun and articulate their perceptions of the world around them, not through conventional text, but through a language of symbols, drawings, and colors that speak more directly to their experiences and ways of understanding.

03 . Final Reselt

What did we make in 24 hours?

What did we make in 24 hours?

Feature no.1

Collaborative Drawing

The Collaborative Drawing feature is a dynamic space for creativity and interaction. It allows users to share time-lapse videos of their favorite drawing moments, offering a unique glimpse into their creative process. Users can explore and join open drawings, adding their touch to an evolving piece of art, or even start their own for others to contribute to.

The feature includes a queue system for seamless collaboration on live drawings and maintains a history of collaborations, so users can revisit and appreciate the collective journey of each piece.

Feature no.2

Live Draw

Live Draw brings the excitement of real-time interaction to art creation. Users can invite friends to draw together in a virtual room, seeing each other's ideas unfold live. It offers the ability to create either public live rooms, open for all to join and watch, or private ones, exclusively for friends.

This feature provides a platform for live room activities, where artists can engage with an audience, receive instant feedback, or simply enjoy the camaraderie of drawing with others.

Feature no.3

Daily Prompt

The Daily Prompt feature is designed to spark creativity and offer new perspectives daily. It provides users with thought-provoking prompts each month, encouraging them to explore different themes and ideas. The text-to-speech function ensures accessibility across the platform, making the prompts easily accessible to all users.

This feature also fosters a sense of community, as users can see how others interpret the same prompt, opening doors to diverse artistic interpretations and understanding.

Thank you

See also

Yiyang © 2024

All works exclusive to Yiyang Zhang

Yiyang © 2024

All works exclusive to Yiyang Zhang